Monday, August 18, 2008


I'm here!!!  And I must say, I've experienced city love at first sight. The noise, the crowds, the near-death experiences every time I cross the street, I HAVE ARRIVED!  I've only been here for 24 hours, and I feel more at home with myself than ever.  There is so much to learn and experience here.  I've already met so many intriguing individuals, and it is unbelievable to me how such a gigantic place with such a diverse array of people can feel so much like a community.  I love people-watching: on the street, in the subway, even on campus. Unsurprisingly, FIT students are notorious for their avant-garde ensembles, and I find myself unabashedly gawking more than just a few times a day.  I'm working on finding a way to stealthily photograph some of my favorite getups so I can post them.  I saw a girl today dressed head-to-toe in fluorescent orange (including her hair and makeup).  Now that's what I call a traffic-stopper.  I've been a bit overwhelmed, but I snapped a few (non-stalker) photos around campus.  The photo at the top of the page is my state-of-location, and this is a snapshot of street art made of recycled materials on campus:

Speaking of street art, walking down a NYC street is like walking through a gallery; not only because of the fascinating graffiti, emblazoned advertisements, and flashing lights, but also because of the people, the sounds (taxi-drivers' horns, the buzz of the metro below, chit-chat of pedestrians, sirens, music), the smells (hot dogs, perfume, exhaust, kebab, body odor), the tastes (coffee, pizza), and the sensations (asphalt beneath my feet, rushing air through the vents).  Walking in the city is an artistic experience that extends beyond aesthetics and appeals to all of my senses at once.  How could I not be inspired to create?! 

On a different note, shopping in the city is fantastic (as expected).  And I've never seen so many great outfits (and horrible ones) at one time.  When I'm on campus, it is completely exhilarating to be surrounded by so many people who are as fashion-obsessed as I am (if not even more so).  I know, it's hard to believe that anyone else is as fashion-obsessed as yours truly.  But they are.  And they are so beautiful and inspiring!  I let out a little shriek of joy when I found that my large closet and dresser provide more than enough storage space for my various and sundry pieces of fashion, and room for more!  Also, there is a sewing machine lab and spray-painting room on the bottom floor of my dorm.  How cool is that?!

Well, I think that's all for now.  I'm so, so thrilled to be here and so thankful for the many opportunities I'm going to have!  Stay tuned and plan a visit!


Nikki said...

aww Ariel this is going to be amazing for you!

AUNT said...

First of all do not get ran over by the cabbies. Second of all talk about "scatter brains",you walked the wrong direction to the broadway show and two hour subway ride that should have been 15 mins. When you figure it all out let me know I never got to experience the subway. NEXT TIME! Please be safe and hold on to Juicy!!! Love YA and I love your blog.

Lumara said...

I'm really enjoying your blog, Ariel. I was happy to see you resume writing it after the hiatus because I missed keeping up with your adventures in the big city! I'm excited for you and hope you keep the blogs and pics coming!


Your cousin Lora in Tennessee