Well, it finally came. The First Day of Classes, or FDoC. AND I'M OVERWHELMED!!! First, we had graduate student orientation. There are only 18 students in my class, all female, and they had some seriously impressing resumes (like working for Chanel, Estee Lauder, Intermix, Niehaus, Nike, etc). I kept thinking, "Why am I here?!" but I decided to just try to learn as much from them as possible and use their experiences to my advantage. My first class, on Monday night, was Principles of Gallery Management. My professor, Sheri Pasquarella (Google the woman) is one of the most impressive people I've ever met. She is 31 years old, and has written and edited over 10 books, founded 3 companies, and makes millions of dollars a year. And I'm learning from her. (Side note: she was adorable, and was wearing a black sparkly Versace dress and giraffe-print stilettos.) First thing, she passed out papers numbered 1-45 and we had a pop quiz of artwork, important people from the art world, and galleries on a slideshow that we had to identify. I'm extremely embarrassed to say that I only scored a 20%. But I wasn't alone. She decided not to use the quiz for a grade, but she couldn't believe how much our class doesn't know and implored us that we had better learn them all by the end of the semester! I'm
This morning (prepare yourself)...I went to my first sample sale! IT WAS RIDICULOUS! It was for the boutique Intermix and was held in a huge warehouse on 19th and 6th. There were women climbing all over more than 50 racks of clothing and shoe boxes piled up to the ceiling, all discounted up to 90% off! everywhere I looked, there were women ripping off their clothes and pouring themselves into Chloe dresses, Missoni sweaters, and Lanvin shoes. It was a bit exasperating, but totally worth it as I walked out two hours later with a few goodies of my own. I can't wait for the next sale!
Tonight, I had my first class in Marketing Art for Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, which deals with advertising and business in the art world. My professor, Rose Polidoro, was extremely friendly and I'm really excited about the class. We already have an assignment to come up with our own business, write a business plan, and give a presentation to the class, so I have a lot to do! My apologies if my blog posts become less frequent from here on out, but I promise I will keep updating. I'm so excited about this semester!
By the way, I found out that I'm definitely working Fashion Week, so stay tuned. I hope I'll have tons of fabulous stories to tell!
1 comment:
New York looks beautiful at night too. Check your comments ON BROADWAY again.
Please remember batteries on FASHION WEEK. Is my phone on the way? Oh yea that 70.00 bus comes and goes to State College and it sounds like it leaves you off on Broadway.
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