I know, I know. It has been entirely too long since I've updated. And if I wanted to cover everything that's happened since October 28, my post would be about a mile long, so I'll just hit the most recent high points in a top-five of sorts.
5. Christmas in New York is extravagant. There is nothing like walking down Fifth Avenue with a salted caramel hot chocolate and experiencing the hustle and bustle firsthand. The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center is absolutely glorious. The storefront windows (especially at Saks Fifth Avenue, Bergdorf Goodman, and Tiffany & Co.) are breathtaking, and it's nearly impossible to walk into a department store without being trampled or spun to death in the revolving doors. Completely exhilarating.

4. One freezing, rainy day in December, I stumbled into the Julie Haus showroom, where I feasted my eyes upon the most glorious coat I had ever seen. After catching my breath, I gingerly placed it around my shoulders and turned toward the mirror. I heard a gasp from the side of the room, and a petite, blonde-haired woman ran toward me, arms outstretched. "This coat was made for you!" she screeched. Taken aback, I stammered, "Excuse me?" "Oh, I'm sorry, my dear," she replied. "I'm Julie, Julie Haus, the designer. I made this coat, and I think it looks absolutely perfect on you." I managed a shocked smile, and 15 minutes later, I was in the elevator with a giant garment bag, clutching my treasure. It's amazing how affordable designer clothing becomes when it's discounted by 95%!
3. In case I haven't described her enough before, my Marketing professor, Rose Polidoro, is
fabulous. Case in point: Jimmy Choo 5-inch-heel zebra hair boots. Possibly the most magnificent shoes in the world, and she wears them on a daily basis. Anyway, on the last night of class, after our final, she treated all of us girls to dinner at Seven, a classy little establishment near school. In addition to our succulent entrees, Rose ordered every appetizer and every dessert on the menu for us to share. As we all gobbled down the first full meal any of us had eaten in months, Rose told us hilarious anecdotes from her years at Radio City Music Hall and we giggled about her boyfriend, who we affectionately call "the Colonel". Definitely a highlight of the semester.
2. Final exams were the black hole of the semester. The last two weeks of class consisted of gallons of coffee, typing calluses, all-nighters, and unwashed hair. Alas, I persevered, and made it home for Christmas. Barely. Which leads into...
1. The Chinatown Bus Catastrophe. After trekking to Chinatown in a blizzard which had shut down the entire city (including taxis), carrying 65 pounds of luggage, I was kicked off of the bus in a hail storm, and spent an hour under the Manhattan Bridge with some unsuspecting hobos. I eventually collapsed in the East Village, where Christina graciously took in my frozen, feeble frame and fed me enchiladas. I hastily recovered.
Well, I'm home for a month. Give or take. I don't really know what I'm going to do with myself. It's been a week and I'm already going crazy! I'll probably have a lot of time to update my blog this month, but I doubt anything super exciting will be occurring! Go figure. Anyway,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!